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Games frequently need to execute code in response to some action, interaction, or change taking place in the game, collectively referred to as events.

Event Handlers

Event handlers are functions you define, that Tabletop Simulator calls.

There are many event handlers that you can define. Each one gives you an opportunity to handle occurrences of a particular event.

When Tabletop Simulator calls your function, it will provide event-specific details as arguments to your event handler function.

In order for Tabletop Simulator to discover an event handler, it must be defined as a global variable with a specific name. The name that you use depends on which event you wish to handle. Event-specific details are covered below.


Whilst event handler names corresponds with just one type of event. Each event may have multiple corresponding event handlers (i.e. event handler names) that Tabletop Simulator will look for and execute.

There are three types of event handlers:

Universal Event Handlers

Universal Event Handlers may be defined in the Global script and/or Object scripts.

Global Event Handlers

Global Event Handlers may only be defined in the Global script.

If you define a function using the name of a Global Event Handler in an Object script. It simply won't be called.

Object Event Handlers

Object Event Handlers may only be defined in Object scripts.

If you define a function using the name of an Object Event Handler in your Global script. It simply won't be called.

Event Handler Execution

Typically, if there are multiple event handlers for the one event i.e. in an Object script and Global Script and/or multiple Object scripts, then all of these event handlers will be executed.


Some event handlers permit you to return a value in order to trigger an optional side effect. For example, returning false from a "try" event handler will prevent whatever action is being tried. If you return a value that triggers an optional side effect, then subsequent event handlers (for the same event occurrence) will not be executed.

Event Summary

Universal Event Handlers

As described above, you may declare these functions in the Global script or in Object scripts.

Function Name Description  
onBlindfold( player, blindfolded) Called when a player puts on or takes off their blindfold.
onChat( message, sender) Called when a user sends an in-game chat message.
onExternalMessage( data) Called when a custom message is received from an external process via the External Editor API.
onFixedUpdate() Called every physics tick (90 times a second). This is a frame independent onUpdate().
onLoad( script_state) Called when a save has completely finished loading.
onObjectCollisionEnter( registered_object, collision_info) Called when an Object starts colliding with a collision registered Object.
onObjectCollisionExit( registered_object, collision_info) Called when an Object stops colliding with a collision registered Object.
onObjectCollisionStay( registered_object, collision_info) Called every frame that an Object is colliding with a collision registered Object.
onObjectDestroy( object) Called whenever an object is about to be destroyed.
onObjectDrop( player_color, object) Called when an object is dropped by a player.
onObjectEnterContainer( container, object) Called when an object enters a container. Includes decks
zone, object)

Use onObjectEnterZone(...).

Called when an object enters a scripting zone.
onObjectEnterZone( zone, object) Called when an object enters a zone.
onObjectFlick( object, player_color, impulse) Called when a player flicks an object.
onObjectHover( player_color, object) Called when the object being hovered over by a player's pointer (cursor) changes.
onObjectLeaveContainer( container, object) Called when an object leaves a container.
zone, object)

Use onObjectLeaveZone(...).

Called when an object leaves a scripting zone.
onObjectLeaveZone( zone, object) Called when an object leaves a zone.
onObjectLoopingEffect( object, index) Called whenever the looping effect of an AssetBundle is activated.
onObjectNumberTyped( object, player_color, number) Called when a player types a number whilst hovering over an object.
onObjectPageChange( object) Called when a Custom PDF object changes page.
onObjectPeek( object, player_color) Called when a player peeks at an Object.
onObjectPickUp( player_color, object) Called whenever a Player picks up an Object.
onObjectRandomize( object, player_color) Called when an Object is randomized. Like when shuffling a deck or shaking dice.
onObjectRotate( object, spin, flip, player_color, old_spin, old_flip) Called when a player rotates an object.
onObjectSearchEnd( object, player_color) Called when a search is finished on a container.
onObjectSearchStart( object, player_color) Called when a search is started on a container.
onObjectSpawn( object) Called when an object is spawned/created.
onObjectStateChange( object, old_state_guid) Called after an object changes state.
onObjectTriggerEffect( object, index) Called whenever the trigger effect of an AssetBundle is activated.
onPlayerAction( player, Action action, targets) Called when a player attempts to perform an action.
onPlayerChangeColor( player_color) Called when a player changes color or selects it for the first time. It also returns "Grey" if they disconnect.
onPlayerChangeTeam( player_color, team) Called when a player changes team.
onPlayerChatTyping( player, typing) Called when a player starts or stops typing.
onPlayerConnect( player) Called when a Player connects to a game.
onPlayerDisconnect( player) Called when a Player disconnects from a game.
onPlayerPing( player, position, object) Called when a player pings a location.
onPlayerTurn( player, previous_player) Called at the start of a player's turn.
onSave() Called whenever a script needs to save its state.
onScriptingButtonDown( index, player_color) Called when a scripting button (numpad by default) is pressed. The index range that is returned is 1-10.
onScriptingButtonUp( index, player_color) Called when a scripting button (numpad by default) is released. The index range that is returned is 1-10.
onUpdate() Called every frame.

Global Event Handlers

As described above, you may declare these functions in the Global script.

Function Name Description  
container, object)

Use tryObjectEnterContainer(...).

Called when an object attempts to enter a container.
onZoneGroupSort( zone, group, reversed) Called when sorting is required for a group of objects being laid out by a layout zone.
tryObjectEnterContainer( container, object) Called when an object attempts to enter a container.
tryObjectRandomize( object, player_color) Called when a player attempts to randomize an Object.
tryObjectRotate( object, spin, flip, player_color, old_spin, old_flip) Called when a player attempts to rotate an object.

Object Event Handlers

As described above, you may declare these functions in Object scripts.

These events pertain to the script-owner Object (accessible as self within the script).


These cannot declare these event handlers in the Global script.

Function Name Description  
filterObjectEnter( object)

Use tryObjectEnter(...).

Called when an object attempts to enter the script-owner Object (container).
onCollisionEnter( collision_info) Called when an Object starts colliding with the script-owner Object.
onCollisionExit( collision_info) Called when an Object stops colliding with the script-owner Object.
onCollisionStay( collision_info) Called every frame that an Object is colliding with the script-owner Object.
onDestroy() Called when the script-owner Object is about to be destroyed.
onDrop( player_color) Called when a player drops the script-owner Object.
onFlick( player_color, impulse) Called when a player flicks the script-owner Object
onGroupSort( group, reversed) Called when sorting is required for a group of objects being laid out by the script-owner layout zone.
onHover( player_color) Called when a player moves their pointer (cursor) over the script-owner Object.
onNumberTyped( player_color, number) Called when a player types a number whilst hovering over the script-owner Object.
onPageChange() Called when the script-owner Custom PDF's page is changed.
onPeek( player_color) Called when a player peeks at the script-owner Object.
onPickUp( player_color) Called when a player picks up the script-owner Object.
onRandomize( player_color) Called when the script-owner Object is randomized. Like when shuffling a deck or shaking dice.
onRotate( spin, flip, player_color, old_spin, old_flip) Called when a player rotates the script-owner Object.
onSearchEnd( player_color) Called when a player finishes searches the script-owner Object.
onSearchStart( player_color) Called when a player starts searching the script-owner Object.
onStateChange( old_state_guid) Called when the script-owner Object spawned as a result of an Object state change.
tryObjectEnter( object) Called when another object attempts to enter the script-owner Object (container).
tryRandomize( player_color) Called when a player attempts to randomize the script-owner Object.
tryRotate( spin, flip, player_color, old_spin, old_flip) Called when a player attempts to rotate the script-owner Object.

Universal Event Handler Details


Called when a player puts on or takes off their blindfold.

onBlindfold(player, blindfolded)

  • player: Player who put on or took off their blindfold.
  • blindfolded: Whether the player is now blindfolded.


Print a message indicating which player put on or took off their blindfold.

function onBlindfold(player, blindfolded)
    if blindfolded then
        print(player.color .. " put their blindfold on.")
        print(player.color .. " took their blindfold off.")


Called when a user sends an in-game chat message.

Return false to prevent the message appearing in the chat window.

onChat(message, sender)

  • message: Chat message which triggered the function.
  • sender: Player which sent the chat message.


Prevent the blue player from sending messages to other player's. Instead print the message to the host. Permit chat from all other players.

function onChat(message, sender)
    if sender.color == "Blue" then
        print("Blue said: " .. message)
        return false

    return true


Called when a custom message is received from an external process via the External Editor API.


  • data: The data sent by the external process.


Log the contents of received custom external messages.

function onExternalMessage(data)
    log(data, "External Message")


Called every physics tick (90 times a second). This is a frame independent onUpdate().


Due to the frequency at which this function is called, any implementation must be very simple/fast, in order to avoid slowing down your game.


Print a message every 180 physics ticks.

local tick_count = 0
function onFixedUpdate()
    tick_count = tick_count + 1
    if tick_count >= 180 then
        print("180 physics ticks passed.")
        tick_count = 0


Global Script

Called when a saved game (and all Objects it contains) have finished loading. This includes manually loaded games/saves, as well as when a user rewinds.

Object Script

This will be called when a saved game finishes loading or when the script-owner Object has finished loading for some other reason e.g. if the script-owner Object was pulled out of a container mid-game.


  • script_state: The previously saved script state i.e. value returned from onSave(...), or an empty string if there is no saved script state available.


Decodes a JSON representation of a game state, consisting of nested tables, strings, numbers and object GUIDs. Then obtains an Object from the saved GUID.

local some_object -- We'll store an object reference to use later.

function onLoad(script_state)
    -- JSON decode our saved state
    local state = JSON.decode(script_state)

    -- In this example, we're assuming the existence of some specific saved state data.
    local questions = state.questions -- access a nested table

    for _, qa in ipairs(state.questions) do
        print("Question: " .. qa.question)
        print("Answer: " .. qa.answer)

    some_object = getObjectFromGUID(state.guids.some_object)

    -- Let's highlight some_object a random color.
    -- Because why not.

    local colors = {'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green'}
    some_object.highlightOn(colors[math.random(1, 3)])

    return JSON.encode(state)
Refer to onSave(...) to see an example of how this same save state structure could be created. Subscribe to the onSave/onLoad example mod for a more functionally complete example.


Called when an Object starts colliding with a collision registered Object.

onObjectCollisionEnter(registered_object, collision_info)

  • registered_object: The object registered to receive collision events.
  • collision_info: A table containing data about the collision.
    • collision_info.collision_object: Object coming into contact with registered_object.
    • collision_info.contact_points: Table/array full of contact points, where each 3D point is represented by a (number indexed) table, not a Vector.
    • collision_info.relative_velocity: Table (number indexed) representation of a 3D vector (but not a Vector) indicating the direction and magnitude of the collision.

-- Example Usage
function onObjectCollisionEnter(registered_object, info)
    print(tostring(info.collision_object) .. " collided with " .. tostring(registered_object))
-- Example collision_info table
    collision_object = objectReference,
    contact_points = {
        {5, 0, -2}
    relative_velocity = {0, 20, 0}


Called when an Object stops colliding with a collision registered Object.

onObjectCollisionExit(registered_object, collision_info)

  • registered_object: The object registered to receive collision events.
  • collision_info: A table containing data about the collision.
    • collision_info.collision_object: Object leaving contact with registered_object.
    • collision_info.contact_points: Table/array full of contact points, where each 3D point is represented by a (number indexed) table, not a Vector.
    • collision_info.relative_velocity: Table (number indexed) representation of a 3D vector (but not a Vector) indicating the velocity of the object that has moved out of contact.

-- Example Usage
function onObjectCollisionExit(registered_object, info)
    print(tostring(info.collision_object) .. " stopped colliding with " .. tostring(registered_object))
-- Example collision_info table
    collision_object = objectReference,
    contact_points = {
        {5, 0, -2}
    relative_velocity = {0, 20, 0}


Called every frame that an Object is colliding with a collision registered Object.


Due to the frequency at which this function may be called, any implementation must be very simple/fast, in order to avoid slowing down your game.

onObjectCollisionStay(registered_object, collision_info)

  • registered_object: The object registered to receive collision events.
  • collision_info: A table containing data about the collision.
    • collision_info.collision_object: Object coming into contact with registered_object.
    • collision_info.contact_points: Table/array full of contact points, where each 3D point is represented by a (number indexed) table, not a Vector.
    • collision_info.relative_velocity: Table (number indexed) representation of a 3D vector (but not a Vector) indicating the direction and magnitude of the collision.

-- Example Usage
function onObjectCollisionStay(registered_object, info)
    print(tostring(info.collision_object) .. " still colliding with " .. tostring(registered_object))
-- Example collision_info table
    collision_object = objectReference,
    contact_points = {
        {5, 0, -2}
    relative_velocity = {0, 20, 0}


Called whenever an object is about to be destroyed.

The Object reference (object) is valid in this callback, but won't be valid next frame (as the Object will be destroyed by then).

This event fires immediately before the Object’s onDestroy().


  • object: The object that is about to be destroyed.


Print the name of the Object which is about to be destroyed.

function onObjectDestroy(object)


Called when an object is dropped by a player.

onObjectDrop(player_color, object)

  • player_color: Player Color of the Player who dropped the Object.
  • object: The Object in game which was dropped.
function onObjectDrop(colorName, object)
    print(colorName .. " dropped " .. object.getName())


Called when an object enters a container.

onObjectEnterContainer(container, object)

  • container: Container that was entered.
  • object: Object that entered the container.


Each time an object enters a container, print the GUID of the object and the GUID of the container it entered.

function onObjectEnterContainer(container, object)
    print("Object " .. object.guid .. " entered container " .. container.guid)


Called when an object enters a zone.


Objects with tags will only enter zones with compatible tags.

onObjectEnterZone(zone, object)

  • zone: Zone that was entered.
  • object: Object that entered the zone.


Each time an object enters a zone, print the GUID of the object and the GUID of the scripting zone it entered.

function onObjectEnterZone(zone, object)
    print("Object " .. object.guid .. " entered zone " .. zone.guid)


Called whenever a player flicks flicks an object.

onObjectFlick(object, player_color, impulse)

  • object: The object that was flicked.
  • player_color: Player Color of the player who flicked an object.
  • impulse: The impulse applied to the object.


Print the player color, type of the flicked object, and magnitude of the flick:

function onObjectFlick(object, player_color, impulse)
    print(player_color .. " flicked a " .. object.type ..  " with impulse " .. impulse:magnitude())


Called when the object being hovered over by a player's pointer (cursor) changes.

onObjectHover(player_color, object)

  • player_color: Player Color of the player who moved their pointer over an object.
  • object: Object the player's pointer is hovering over, or nil when a player moves their pointer such that it is no longer hovering over an object.


Each time a player hovers over an object, print the player color and the GUID of the object being hovered over. If a player moves their cursor such that they're no longer hovering over an object, print "Nothing" instead of the object GUID.

function onObjectHover(player_color, object)
    local target = object and object.guid or "Nothing"
    print(player_color .. " hovered over " .. target)


Called when an object leaves a container.

onObjectLeaveContainer(container, object)

  • container: Container the object left.
  • object: Object that left the container.


Each time an object leaves a container, print the GUID of the object and the GUID of the container it left.

function onObjectLeaveContainer(container, object)
    print("Object " .. object.guid .. " left container " .. container.guid)


Called when an object leaves a zone.

onObjectLeaveZone(zone, object)

  • zone: Zone that was left.
  • object: The object that left.


Each time an object leaves a zone, print the GUID of the object and the GUID of the zone it left.

function onObjectLeaveZone(zone, object)
    print("Object " .. object.guid .. " left zone " .. zone.guid)


Called whenever the looping effect of an AssetBundle is activated.

onObjectLoopingEffect(object, index)

  • object: AssetBundle which had its loop activated.
  • index: Index number for the loop activated.
function onObjectLoopingEffect(object, index)
    print("Loop " .. index .. " activated.")


Called when a player types a number whilst hovering over an object.

If you wish to prevent the default behavior (e.g. drawing a card) then you may return true to indicate you've handled the event yourself.

onObjectNumberTyped(object, player_color, number)

  • object: The object the player was hovering over whilst typing a number.
  • player_color: Player Color of the player that typed the number.
  • number: The number typed.


Print the player color, the number they entered and the type of object being hovered over:

function onObjectNumberTyped(object, player_color, number)
    print(player_color .. " typed " .. number .. " whilst hovering over a " .. object.type)


Prevent players drawing more than 2 cards at a time:

function onObjectNumberTyped(object, player_color, number)
    if object.type == 'Deck' and number > 2 then
        print("Sorry. You can only draw a maximum of 2 cards.")
        return true


Called when an object's Custom PDF page is changed.


  • object: The object that's page changed.


Print the name of the object and what page it changed to:

function onObjectPageChange(object)
    print(object.getName() .. " changed page to " .. object.Book.getPage())


Called when a player peeks at an Object.

onObjectPeek(object, player)

  • object: The Object that was peeked at.
  • player_color: Player Color of the player that peeked.


Print the color of the player that peeked at an object.

function onObjectPeek(object, player_color)
    print(player_color .. " peeked at an Object.")


Called whenever a Player picks up an Object.

onObjectPickUp(player_color, object)

  • player_color: Player Color of the Player who picked up the object.
  • object: Object which was picked up.
function onObjectPickUp(colorName, object)
    print(colorName .. " picked up " .. object.getName())


Called when an Object is randomized. Like when shuffling a deck or shaking dice.

onObjectRandomize(object, player_color)

  • object: The Object which triggered this function.
  • player_color: Player Color of the player who triggered the function.
function onObjectRandomize(object, color)
    print(object.getName() .. " was randomized by " .. color)


Called when a player rotates an object.


Only called in response to explicit player rotation actions. Will not be called when physics/collisions cause an object to rotate.

onObjectRotate(object, spin, flip, player_color, old_spin, old_flip)

  • object: The object the player is trying to rotate.
  • spin: The object's target spin (around Y-axis) rotation in degrees within the interval [0, 360).
  • flip: The object's target flip rotation in degrees within the interval [0, 360).
  • player_color: Player Color of the player that performed the rotation.
  • old_spin: The object's previous spin (around Y-axis) rotation in degrees within the interval [0, 360).
  • old_flip: The object's previous flip rotation in degrees within the interval [0, 360).


When an object is rotated, print which player was responsible and what rotation was performed.

function onObjectRotate(object, spin, flip, player_color, old_spin, old_flip)
    if spin ~= old_spin then
        print(player_color .. " spun " .. tostring(object) .. " from " .. old_spin .. " degrees to " .. spin .. " degrees")

    if flip ~= old_flip then
        print(player_color .. " flipped " .. tostring(object) .. " from " .. old_flip .. " degrees to " .. flip .. " degrees")


Called when a search is finished on a container.

onObjectSearchEnd(object, player_color)

  • object: The Object which was searched.
  • player_color: Player Color of the player who triggered the function.


Called when a search is started on a container.

onObjectSearchStart(object, player_color)

  • object: The Object which was searched.
  • player_color: Player Color of the player who triggered the function.


Called when an object is spawned/created.


  • object: Object which was spawned.
function onObjectSpawn(object)


Called after an object changes state.

onObjectStateChange(object, old_state_guid)

  • object: The new Object that spawned as a result of the state change.
  • old_state_guid: The GUID of previous state/Object.


Print the current and previous Object state GUIDs.

function onObjectStateChange(object, old_state_guid)
    print("New state GUID: " .. object.guid)
    print("Previous state GUID: " .. old_state_guid)


Called whenever the trigger effect of an AssetBundle is activated.

onObjectTriggerEffect(object, index)

  • object: AssetBundle object which had its trigger activated.
  • index: Index number for the trigger activated.
function onObjectTriggerEffect(object, index)
    print("Loop " .. index .. " activated.")


Called when a player attempts to perform an action.

Return false to prevent the action's default behavior.

onPlayerAction(player, action, targets)

  • player: Player that is attempting the action.
  • Action action: Action that is being attempted.
  • targets: List of objects which are the target of the action being attempted.


The action parameter will be provided as an equal to a Player.Action.* property e.g. Player.Action.FlipOver.

Please refer to the examples below, for a demonstration of how you can check which action is being attempted.

Player.Action Player is attempting to...
Copy Copy (or commence cloning) the targets.
Cut Cut (copy and delete) the targets.
Delete Delete the targets.
FlipIncrementalLeft Incrementally rotate the targets counter-clockwise around their flip axes, typically the scene's Z-axis.
FlipIncrementalRight Incrementally rotate the targets clockwise around their flip axes, typically the scene's Z-axis.
FlipOver Rotate the targets 180 degrees around their flip axes, typically the scene's Z-axis i.e. toggle the targets between face up and face down.
Group Group the targets.
Paste Paste (spawn) the targets.
PickUp Pick up the targets.
Randomize Randomize the targets.
RotateIncrementalLeft Rotate the targets incrementally, typically counter-clockwise around the scene's Y-axis. Instead of being rotated exclusively around the Y-axis, dice will be rotated to the previous rotation value.
RotateIncrementalRight Rotate the targets incrementally, typically clockwise around the scene's Y-axis. Instead of being rotated exclusively around the Y-axis, dice will be rotated to the next rotation value.
RotateOver Rotate the targets 180 degrees around the scene's Y-axis.
Select Add the targets to the player's selection.
Under Move the targets underneath objects below them on table.


Prevent more than 2 objects being flipped over at a time.

function onPlayerAction(player, action, targets)
    if action == Player.Action.FlipOver
        or action == Player.Action.FlipIncrementalLeft
        or action == Player.Action.FlipIncrementalRight
        return #targets <= 2

    return true


Only allow the black player (Game Master) to delete cards and decks.

    function onPlayerAction(player, action, targets)
        if action == Player.Action.Delete and player.color ~= "Black" then
            for _, target in ipairs(targets) do
                if target.type ~= "Card" and target.type ~= "Deck" then

            return false

        return true


Called when a player changes color or selects it for the first time. It also returns "Grey" if they disconnect.


  • player_color: Player Color of the player who triggered the function.
function onPlayerChangeColor(color)


Called when a player changes team.

onPlayerChangeTeam(player_color, team)

  • player_color: Player Color of the player who triggered the function.
  • team: Team to which the player has changed. Options below.
    • "" (empty string, if changed to None)
    • Diamonds
    • Hearts
    • Jokers
    • Clubs
    • Spades
function onPlayerChangeTeam(player_color, team)


Called when a player starts or stops typing.

onPlayerChatTyping(player, typing)

  • player: The player who started or stopped typing.
  • typing: True if they just started typing, False if they just stopped.
function onPlayerChatTyping(player, typing)


Called when a Player connects to a game.


  • player: Player that connected.


Called when a Player disconnects from a game.


  • player: Player that disconnected.


Called when a player pings a location.

onPlayerPing(player, position)

  • player: Player who performed the ping.
  • position: The location that was pinged.
  • object: If the player pinged on top of an object, that object.


When a player pings a location, print a message with the player's color and the coordinates pinged.

function onPlayerPing(player, position, object)
    if object then
        print(player.color .. " pinged " .. object.getName() .. " at " .. position:string())
        print(player.color .. " pinged " .. position:string())


Called at the start of a player's turn. Turns must be enabled.

onPlayerTurn(player, previous_player)

  • player: Player whose turn is starting.
  • previous_player: Player whose turn just finished, or nil if this is the first turn.


When a new turn starts, print whose turn ended and whose turn it now is:

function onPlayerTurn(player, previous_player)
    if previous_player == nil then
        print(player.color .. " is going first. It's now their turn.")
        print(previous_player.color .. "'s turn is over. It's now " .. player.color .. "'s turn.")


Return a .

This event handler provides you with an opportunity to persist your script's state, such that when a save game is loaded (or the user rewinds) the data you've persisted will be made available to onLoad(...).

A script's saved state is just a singular . The convention for storing complex state is to create a Lua table, JSON.encode(...) it, and return the JSON encoded string from this function.

Global Script

This event is called whenever the user manually saves game, when an auto-save is created and when a rewind checkpoint is created, by default, that's every 10 seconds. Due to the frequency at which this event handler is called, it's important that your function be fast.

Object Script

In addition to saves and rewind checkpoints, this event handler will also be called on an Object that requires its state be saved mid-game e.g. when the script-owner Object enters a container.


JSON.encode(...) has limitations with regards to what data it can encode. It cannot encode references to Objects. If you wish to encode a reference to an object, encode the Object's GUID and in onLoad(...) obtain a new Object reference via getObjectFromGUID(...).


Pressing "Save & Play" (in either the in-game Scripting Editor or Atom) does not trigger the save event.

In this context "Save" is referring to saving your script only. Save & Play will in fact reload your game, discarding any non-scripting changes made since the game was last (manually) loaded/saved.


Returns a JSON encoding of a game state consisting of nested tables, strings, numbers and object references (encoded as GUIDs). In this example, some_object is an Object.

function onSave()
    local state = {
        questions = { -- nested table
                question = "What day comes after Saturday?", -- string
                answer = "Sunday",
                question = "Unknown",
                answer = 42, -- number
        guids = {
            some_object = some_object.guid -- GUID (a string)
    return JSON.encode(state)
Refer to onLoad(...) to see an example of this same save state structure being loaded. Subscribe to the onSave/onLoad example mod for a more functionally complete example.


Called when a scripting button (numpad by default) is pressed. The index range that is returned is 1-10.

onScriptingButtonDown(index, player_color)

  • index: Index number, representing which key was pressed.
  • player_color: Player Color of the player who triggered the function.
function onScriptingButtonDown(index, color)


Called when a scripting button (numpad by default) is released. The index range that is returned is 1-10.

onScriptingButtonUp(index, player_color)

  • index: Index number, representing which key was released.
  • player_color: Player Color of the player who triggered the function.
function onScriptingButtonUp(index, color)


Called every frame.


Due to the frequency at which this function is called, any implementation must be very simple/fast, in order to avoid slowing down your game.


Print a message every 180 frames.

local frame_count = 0
function onFixedUpdate()
frame_count = frame_count + 1
    if frame_count >= 180 then
        print("180 frames passed.")
        frame_count = 0

Global Event Handler Details


Called when sorting is required for a group of objects being laid out by a layout zone.

Return a table of objects (those provided in group) to override the layout zone's ordering algorithm. Return nil to use the layout zone's default order.

onZoneGroupSort(zone, group, reversed)

  • zone: Layout zone which is laying out the group of objects.
  • group: List of objects that are being grouped together in the layout zone.
  • reversed: Whether the layout zone has been configured to sort in reverse.


Sort objects by value. Please note that, by default, objects do not have a value. You'd have to assign your objects values first.

function onZoneGroupSort(zone, group, reversed)
    table.sort(group, function(a, b)
        return a.value < b.value
    return group


Called when an object attempts to enter a container.

Return false to prevent the object entering.

tryObjectEnterContainer(container, object)

  • container: The container the Object is trying to enter.
  • object: The Object entering the container.


function tryObjectEnterContainer(container, object)
    print(object.getName()) -- Print entering object's name
    return true -- Allows object to enter.


Called when a player attempts to randomize an Object.

Return false to prevent the Object being randomized.

tryObjectRandomize(object, player_color)

  • object: The Object the player is trying to randomize.
  • player_color: Player Color of the player that is attempting the randomization.


Only allow the blue player to randomize objects.

function tryObjectRandomize(object, player_color)
    return player_color == "Blue"


Called when a player attempts to rotate an object.

Return false to prevent the object being rotated.

tryObjectRotate(object, spin, flip, player_color, old_spin, old_flip)

  • object: The object the player is trying to rotate.
  • spin: The object's target spin (around Y-axis) rotation in degrees within the interval [0, 360).
  • flip: The object's target flip rotation in degrees within the interval [0, 360).
  • player_color: Player Color of the player that is attempting the rotation.
  • old_spin: The object's current spin (around Y-axis) rotation in degrees within the interval [0, 360).
  • old_flip: The object's current flip rotation in degrees within the interval [0, 360).


Only allow the blue player to rotate objects.

function tryObjectRotate(object, spin, flip, player_color, old_spin, old_flip)
    return player_color == "Blue"

Object Event Handler Details


Called when an Object starts colliding with the script-owner Object.


  • collision_info: A table containing data about the collision.
    • collision_info.collision_object: Object coming into contact with the script-owner Object.
    • collision_info.contact_points: Table/array full of contact points, where each 3D point is represented by a (number indexed) table, not a Vector.
    • collision_info.relative_velocity: Table (number indexed) representation of a 3D vector (but not a Vector) indicating the direction and magnitude of the collision.

-- Example Usage
function onCollisionEnter(info)
    print(tostring(info.collision_object) .. " collided with " .. tostring(self))
-- Example collision_info table
    collision_object = objectReference,
    contact_points = {
        {5, 0, -2}
    relative_velocity = {0, 20, 0}


Called when an Object stops colliding with the script-owner Object.


  • collision_info: A table containing data about the collision.
    • collision_info.collision_object: Object leaving contact with the script-owner Object.
    • collision_info.contact_points: Table/array full of contact points, where each 3D point is represented by a (number indexed) table, not a Vector.
    • collision_info.relative_velocity: Table (number indexed) representation of a 3D vector (but not a Vector) indicating the velocity of the object that has moved out of contact.

-- Example Usage
function onCollisionExit(info)
    print(tostring(info.collision_object) .. " stopped colliding with " .. tostring(self))
-- Example collision_info table
    collision_object = objectReference,
    contact_points = {
        {5, 0, -2}
    relative_velocity = {0, 20, 0}


Called every frame that an Object is colliding with the script-owner Object.


Due to the frequency at which this function may be called, any implementation must be very simple/fast, in order to avoid slowing down your game.


  • collision_info: A table containing data about the collision.
    • collision_info.collision_object: Object coming into contact with the script-owner Object.
    • collision_info.contact_points: Table/array full of contact points, where each 3D point is represented by a (number indexed) table, not a Vector.
    • collision_info.relative_velocity: Table (number indexed) representation of a 3D vector (but not a Vector) indicating the direction and magnitude of the collision.

-- Example Usage
function onCollisionStay(info)
    print(tostring(info.collision_object) .. " still colliding with " .. tostring(self))
-- Example collision_info table
    collision_object = objectReference,
    contact_points = {
        {5, 0, -2}
    relative_velocity = {0, 20, 0}


Called when the script-owner Object is about to be destroyed.

The self (the script-owner Object) is valid in this callback, but won't be valid next frame (as the Object will be destroyed by then).

This event fires immediately after onObjectDestroy().


Print a message when the script-owner Object is destroyed.

function onDestroy()
    print("This object was destroyed!")


Called when the script-owner Object is dropped.


function onDrop(color)


Called when a player flicks the script-owner Object.

onFlick(player_color, impulse)

  • player_color: Player Color of the player who flicked the script-owner Object.
  • impulse: The impulse applied to the script-owner Object.


Print the player color and magnitude of the flick:

function onFlick(player_color, impulse)
    print(player_color .. " flicked with impulse " .. impulse:magnitude())


Called when sorting is required for a group of objects being laid out by the script-owner layout zone.

Return a table of objects (those provided in group) to override the layout zone's ordering algorithm. Return nil to use the layout zone's default order.

onGroupSort(group, reversed)

  • group: List of objects that are being grouped together in the layout zone.
  • reversed: Whether the layout zone has been configured to sort in reverse.


Sort objects by value. Please note that, by default, objects do not have a value. You'd have to assign your objects values first.

function onGroupSort(group, reversed)
    table.sort(group, function(a, b)
        return a.value < b.value
    return group


Called when a player moves their pointer (cursor) over the script-owner Object.


  • player_color: Player Color of the player who moved the pointer over the script-owner Object.
function onHover(player_color)


Called when a player types a number whilst hovering over the script-owner Object.

If you wish to prevent the default behavior (e.g. drawing a card, if the script-owner Object is a deck) then you may return true to indicate you've handled the event yourself.

onNumberTyped(player_color, number)

  • player_color: Player Color of the player that typed the number.
  • number: The number typed.


Print the player color and the number they typed:

function onNumberTyped(player_color, number)
    print(player_color .. " typed " .. number)


Prevent players drawing more than 2 cards at a time (from the script-owner Object):

function onNumberTyped(player_color, number)
    if self.type == 'Deck' and number > 2 then
        print("Sorry. You can only draw a maximum of 2 cards.")
        return true


Called when the script-owner Custom PDF's page is changed.


Print the script-owner Object's name and what page it changed to:

function onPageChange()
    print(self.getName() .. " changed page to " .. self.Book.getPage())


Called when a player peeks at the script-owner Object.



Print the color of the player that peeked at the script-owner Object.

function onPeek(player_color)
    print(player_color .. " peeked.")


Called when a player picks up the script-owner Object.


function onPickUp(color)


Called when the script-owner Object is randomized. Like when shuffling a deck or shaking dice.


  • player_color: Player Color of the player who triggered the function.
function onRandomize(color)
    print(self.getName() .. " was randomized by " .. color)


Called when a player rotates script-owner Object.


Only called in response to explicit player rotation actions. Will not be called when physics/collisions cause the script-owner Object to rotate.

onRotate(spin, flip, player_color, old_spin, old_flip)

  • spin: The script-owner Object's target spin (around Y-axis) rotation in degrees within the interval [0, 360).
  • flip: The script-owner Object's target flip rotation in degrees within the interval [0, 360).
  • player_color: Player Color of the player that performed the rotation.
  • old_spin: The script-owner Object's previous spin (around Y-axis) rotation in degrees within the interval [0, 360).
  • old_flip: The script-owner Object's previous flip rotation in degrees within the interval [0, 360).


When the script-owner Object is rotated, print which player was responsible and what rotation was performed.

function onRotate(spin, flip, player_color, old_spin, old_flip)
    if spin ~= old_spin then
        print(player_color .. " spun " .. tostring(self) .. " from " .. old_spin .. " degrees to " .. spin .. " degrees")

    if flip ~= old_flip then
        print(player_color .. " flipped " .. tostring(self) .. " from " .. old_flip .. " degrees to " .. flip .. " degrees")


Called when a player first searches the script-owner Object.

onSearchEnd( player_color)


Called when a player finishes searching the script-owner Object.

onSearchStart( player_color)


Called when the script-owner Object spawned as a result of an Object state change.


  • old_state_guid: The GUID of previous state/Object.


Print the current and previous Object state GUIDs.

function onStateChange(old_state_guid)
    print("New state GUID: " .. self.guid)
    print("Previous state GUID: " .. old_state_guid)


Called when another object attempts to enter the script-owner Object (container).

Return false to prevent the object entering.


  • object: The object that has tried to enter the script-owner Object.


Print the name of the object entering the script-owner container.

function tryObjectEnter(object)
    return true -- Allows the object to enter.


Called when a player attempts to randomize the script-owner Object.

Return false to prevent the randomization taking place.


  • player_color: Player Color of the player that is attempting the randomization.


Only allow the blue player to randomize the script-owner Object.

function tryRandomize(player_color)
    return player_color == "Blue"


Called when a player attempts to rotate the script-owner Object.

Return false to prevent the rotation taking place.

tryRotate(spin, flip, player_color, old_spin, old_flip)

  • spin: The script-owner Object's target spin (around Y-axis) rotation in degrees within the interval [0, 360).
  • flip: The script-owner Object's target flip rotation in degrees within the interval [0, 360).
  • player_color: Player Color of the player that is attempting the rotation.
  • old_spin: The script-owner Object's current spin (around Y-axis) rotation in degrees within the interval [0, 360).
  • old_flip: The script-owner Object's current flip rotation in degrees within the interval [0, 360).


Only allow the blue player to rotate the script-owner Object.

function tryRotate(spin, flip, player_color, old_spin, old_flip)
    return player_color == "Blue"