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By nesting elements within layouts/groupings, you are able to easily group elements together in-game. It allows for adjusting/moving them together, uniform padding and additional visual flair possibilities.

Each layout element has its own attributes specific to its type. Additionally, elements within a layout are subject to common common layout element attributes.

Element Summary

Layout Summary

Element Name Description  
<Panel></Panel> A "window" in which elements can be confined.
<HorizontalLayout></HorizontalLayout> A horizontal row of elements.
<VerticalLayout></VerticalLayout> A vertical column of elements.
<GridLayout></GridLayout> A grid of elements.
<TableLayout></TableLayout> A layout element based on HTML tables, allowing you to specify the position of elements in specific rows/columns.
<Row></Row> A row within a TableLayout.
<Cell></Cell> A cell within a TableLayout.

Scroll View Summary

Element Name Description  
<HorizontalScrollView></HorizontalScrollView> A scrollable horizontal row of elements.
<VerticalScrollView></VerticalScrollView> A scrollable vertical column of elements.

Layout Element Details

Layout Details


A "window" in which elements can be confined.

Attribute Name                       Description                                  Type / Options                       Default Value      
padding Specifies the padding for this panel. Please note that if padding is specified, the panel will function as a LayoutGroup (which it does not do by default). float(left) float(right) float(top) float(bottom) (none)
    <Text>Text contained within Panel</Text>


A horizontal row of elements.

Attribute Name                       Description                                  Type / Options                       Default Value      
padding float(left) float(right) float(top) float(bottom) 0 0 0 0
spacing Spacing between child elements. float 0
  • UpperLeft
  • UpperCenter
  • UpperRight
  • MiddleLeft
  • MiddleCenter
  • MiddleRight
  • LowerLeft
  • LowerCenter
  • LowerRight
childForceExpandWidth true
childForceExpandHeight true
    <Button>Button One</Button>
    <Button>Button Two</Button>
    <Button>Button Three</Button>


A vertical column of elements.

Attribute Name                       Description                                  Type / Options                       Default Value      
padding float(left) float(right) float(top) float(bottom) 0 0 0 0
spacing Spacing between child elements. float 0
  • UpperLeft
  • UpperCenter
  • UpperRight
  • MiddleLeft
  • MiddleCenter
  • MiddleRight
  • LowerLeft
  • LowerCenter
  • LowerRight
childForceExpandWidth true
childForceExpandHeight true
    <Button>Button One</Button>
    <Button>Button Two</Button>
    <Button>Button Three</Button>


A grid of elements.

Attribute Name                       Description                                  Type / Options                       Default Value      
padding float(left) float(right) float(top) float(bottom) 0 0 0 0
spacing Spacing between child elements float(x) float(y) 0 0
cellSize float(x) float(y) 100 100
  • UpperLeft
  • UpperRight
  • LowerLeft
  • LowerRight
  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
  • UpperLeft
  • UpperCenter
  • UpperRight
  • MiddleLeft
  • MiddleCenter
  • MiddleRight
  • LowerLeft
  • LowerCenter
  • LowerRight
  • Flexible
  • FixedColumnCount
  • FixedRowCount
constraintCount integer 2
    <Button>Button One</Button>
    <Button>Button Two</Button>
    <Button>Button Three</Button>


A layout element based on HTML tables, allowing you to specify the position of elements in specific rows/columns.

Attribute Name                       Description                                  Type / Options                       Default Value      
padding float(left) float(right) float(top) float(bottom) 0 0 0 0
cellSpacing Spacing between each cell. float 0
columnWidths (Optional) Explicitly set the width of each column. Use a value of 0 to auto-size a specific column. float list - e.g. '32 0 0 32' (none)
automaticallyAddColumns If more cells are added to a row than are accounted for by columnWidths, should this TableLayout automatically add one or more new auto-sized entries (0) to columnWidths? true
automaticallyRemoveEmptyColumns If there are more entries in columnWidths than there are cells in any row, should this TableLayout automatically remove entries from columnWidths until their are no 'empty' columns? true
autoCalculateHeight If set to true, then the height of this TableLayout will automatically be calculated as the sum of each rows preferredHeight value. This option cannot be used without explicitly sized rows. false
useGlobalCellPadding If set to true, then all cells will use this TableLayout's cellPadding value. true
cellPadding Padding for each cell. float(left) float(right) float(top) float(bottom) 0 0 0 0
cellBackgroundImage Image to use as the background for each cell. string
cellBackgroundColor Color for each cells background. rgba(1,1,1,0.4)
rowBackgroundImage Image to use as the background for each row. string
rowBackgroundColor Color to use for each rows background. clear
    <!-- Row 1 -->
        <Cell><Button>Button One</Button></Cell>
        <Cell><Button>Button Two</Button></Cell>
    <!-- Row 2 -->
        <Cell><Button>Button One</Button></Cell>
        <Cell><Button>Button Three</Button></Cell>

A row within a TableLayout.

Attribute Name                       Description                                  Type / Options                       Default Value      
preferredHeight Sets the height for this row. Use a value of '0' to specify that this row should be auto-sized. float 0
dontUseTableRowBackground If set to true, then this row will ignore the tables' rowBackgroundImage and rowBackgroundColor values, allowing you to override those values for this row. false

A cell within a TableLayout.

Attribute Name                       Description                                  Type / Options                       Default Value      
columnSpan __ int 1
dontUseTableCellBackground If set to true, then this cell will ignore the tables' cellBackgroundImage and values, allowing you to override those values for this cell. false
overrideGlobalCellPadding If set to true, then this cell will ignore the tables' cellPadding value, allowing you to set unique cell padding for this cell. false
padding Padding values to use for this cell if overrideGlobalCellPadding is set to true. float(left) float(right) float(top) float(bottom) 0 0 0 0
childForceExpandWidth true
childForceExpandHeight true

Scroll View Details


A scrollable horizontal row of elements. This is an input element.

A layout element such as a Panel, HorizontalLayout, GridLayout, or TableLayout can be used to position child elements within the Scroll View.

Attribute Name                       Description                            Type / Options                       Default Value      
onValueChanged When a selection is made, its name is sent to a function with this name. string (none)
horizontal true
vertical false
  • Unrestricted
  • Elastic
  • Clamped
elasticity float 0.1
inertia true
decelerationRate float 0.135
scrollSensitivity float 1
  • Permanent
  • AutoHide
  • AutoHideAndExpandViewport
  • Permanent
  • AutoHide
  • AutoHideAndExpandViewport
noScrollbars If set to true, then this scroll view will have no visible scrollbars. false
scrollbarBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
scrollbarColors #FFFFFF|#FFFFFF|#C8C8C8|rgba(0.78,0.78,0.78,0.5)
scrollbarImage string


A scrollable vertical column of elements. This is an input element.

A layout element such as a Panel, HorizontalLayout, GridLayout, or TableLayout can be used to position child elements within the Scroll View.

Attribute Name                       Description                            Type / Options                       Default Value      
onValueChanged When a selection is made, its name is sent to a function with this name. string (none)
horizontal false
vertical true
  • Unrestricted
  • Elastic
  • Clamped
elasticity float 0.1
inertia true
decelerationRate float 0.135
scrollSensitivity float 1
  • Permanent
  • AutoHide
  • AutoHideAndExpandViewport
  • Permanent
  • AutoHide
  • AutoHideAndExpandViewport
noScrollbars If set to true, then this scroll view will have no visible scrollbars. false
scrollbarBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
scrollbarColors #FFFFFF|#FFFFFF|#C8C8C8|rgba(0.78,0.78,0.78,0.5)
scrollbarImage string