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Web Request Manager

WebRequest is a static global class which allows you to send HTTP web request, from the game host's computer only.


This is an advanced feature that allows you to send and receive data to/from web services. You could, for example, provide a companion web server for your game which has a persistent database.

Function Summary

Function Name Return Description  
custom( url, method, download, data, headers, callback_function) Web Request Instance Performs a HTTP request using the specified method, data and headers.
url, callback_function)
Web Request Instance Performs a HTTP DELETE request.
get( url, callback_function) Web Request Instance Performs a HTTP GET request.
head( url, callback_function) Web Request Instance Performs a HTTP HEAD request.
post( url, form, callback_function) Web Request Instance Performs a HTTP POST request, sending the specified form.
put( url, data, callback_function) Web Request Instance Performs a HTTP PUT request, sending the specified data.

Function Details


Performs a HTTP request using the specified method, data and headers. Returns a Web Request Instance.

custom(url, method, download, data, headers, callback_function)

  • url: The URL.
  • method: The HTTP method.
  • download: Whether you want to handle the response body. Must be true if you intend to read the response text.
  • data: The request body.
  • headers: Table of request headers. The table's keys and values must both be .
  • callback_function: Called when the request completes (or fails). Passed the Web Request Instance.
    • Optional, but you will be unable to handle the response (or errors) if unused.


We're going to make an (intentionally invalid) attempt to use Github's APIs to create a Github issue.

We'll include a JSON request body and some request headers. Once the request completes, we're going to inspect the response headers, decode the response, and finally print the reason why our request was denied by Github.

local headers = {
    -- Github's APIs require an Authorization header
    Authorization = "token 5199831f4dd3b79e7c5b7e0ebe75d67aa66e79d4",
    -- We're sending a JSON body in the request
    ["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
    -- We're expecting a JSON body in the response
    Accept = "application/json",

-- Some JSON data (that represents a new Github issue).
-- See:
local data = {
    title = "New logo",
    body = "We should have one",
    labels = {"design"}

-- Encode the data as JSON, so we can send it in our request body.
local body = JSON.encode(data)

-- Our request is targeting the Berserk Games API docs Github repository's issues endpoint.
local url = ""

-- Perform the request
WebRequest.custom(url, "POST", true, body, headers, function(request)
    -- Check if the request failed to complete e.g. if your Internet connection dropped out.
    if request.is_error then
        print("Request failed: " .. request.error)

    -- Check that Github responded with JSON
    local contentType = request.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") or ""
    if contentType ~= "application/json" and not contentType:match("^application/json;") then
        -- We're expecting a JSON response only, if we get something else we'll print an error
        print("Uh oh! Github sent us something we didn't expect.")
        print("Content-Type: " .. contentType)

    print("Request denied with status code: " .. request.response_code)

    -- Decode the JSON response body
    local responseData = JSON.decode(request.text)

    -- When Github denies a request, they include a "message" field in the JSON body to explain. Let's print it.
    print("Reason: " .. responseData.message)


Performs a HTTP GET request. Returns a Web Request Instance.

get(url, callback_function)

  • url: The URL.
  • callback_function: Called when the request completes (or fails). Passed the Web Request Instance.
    • Technically optional, but it makes no sense to send a GET request and not handle the response (or errors).


Broadcast the text returned from Github's "Zen API". If the request fails, log the error.

WebRequest.get("", function(request)
    if request.is_error then


Performs a HTTP POST request, sending the specified data. Returns a Web Request Instance.

The form will be sent as the body of the request (Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded).

post(url, form, callback_function)

  • url: The URL.
  • / form: The form to post.
  • callback_function: Called when the request completes (or fails). Passed the Web Request Instance.
    • Optional, but you will be unable to handle the response (or errors) if unused.

When form is provided as a the data will be URL encoded for you. The table keys and values must both be .


Performs a HTTP PUT request, sending the specified data. Returns a Web Request Instance.

The data will be UTF-8 encoded and sent as binary data in the body of the request (Content-Type: application/octet-stream).

put(url, data, callback_function)

  • url: The URL.
  • data: The request body.
  • callback_function: Called when the request completes (or fails). Passed the Web Request Instance.
    • Optional, but you will be unable to handle the response (or errors) if unused.