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Notes, a static global class, allows access to the on-screen notes and the notebook.

Example function call: Notes.setNotes()

Function Summary

Notebook Functions

Functions that interact with the in-game notebook tabs.

Function Name Description Return  
addNotebookTab( parameters) Adds a notebook tab, returning its index.
editNotebookTab( parameters) Edit an existing Tab in the notebook.
getNotebookTabs() Returns Table containing data on all tabs in the notebook.
removeNotebookTab( index) Remove a notebook tab.

Notes Functions

Functions that interact with the on-screen notes (lower right corner of screen).

Function Name Description Return  
Returns the contents of the on-screen notes section.
setNotes( notes) Replace the text in the notes window with the string.

Function Details

Notebook Function Details


Add a new notebook tab. If it failed to create a new tab, a -1 is returned instead. Indexes for notebook tabs begin at 0.


  • parameters: A Table containing spawning parameters.
    • parameters.title: Title for the new tab.
    • parameters.body: Text to place into the body of the new tab.
      • Optional, defaults to an empty string
    • parameters.color: Player Color for the new tab's color.
      • Optional, defaults to "Grey"
parameters = {
    title = "New Tab",
    body = "Body text example.",
    color = "Grey"


Edit an existing Tab in the notebook. Indexes for notebook tabs begin at 0.


  • parameters: A Table containing instructions for the notebook edit.
    • parameters.index: Index number for the tab.
    • parameters.title: Title for the tab.
      • Optional, defaults to the current title of the tab begin edited.
    • parameters.body: Text for the body for the tab.
      • Optional, defaults to the current body of the tab begin edited.
    • parameters.color: Player Color for who the tab belongs to.
      • Optional, defaults to the current color of the tab begin edited.
params = {
    index = 5,
    title = "Edited Title",
    body = "This tab was edited via script.",
    color = "Grey"


Returns a Table containing data on all tabs in the notebook. Indexes for notebook tabs begin at 0.

--Example Usage
tabInfo = Notes.getNotebookTabs()
--Example Returned Table
    {index=0, title="", body="", color="Grey"},
    {index=1, title="", body="", color="Grey"},
    {index=2, title="", body="", color="Grey"},


Remove a notebook tab. Notebook tab indexes begin at 0.


  • index: Index for the tab to remove.

Notes Function Details


Replace the text in the notes window with the string. The notes is an area which displays text in the lower-right corner of the screen.


  • notes: What to place into the notes area.
Notes.setNotes("This appears in the notes section")